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29756: Process command to give an object
Used by the routine at 55726.
29756 CALL 33834 Display "YOU ARE NOT CARRYING ANYTHING" window and set zero flag if Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) is empty
29759 JP Z,29482 If Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) is empty then return to game
29762 LD IX,25164 Point IX at Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying)
29766 LD B,5 Load B with 5 (five inventory slots)
29768 LD HL,39065 Point HL at "GIVE WHICH OBJECT ?" text
29771 LD DE,39077 Point DE at "GIVE THE " text
29774 CALL 33952 Show list of objects in Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) as a menu and load A with selected item index
29777 LD HL,25164 Point HL at start of characters' current inventories table
29780 CALL 33911 Print name of object in inventory slot A of inventory data at HL in command summary window
29783 LD DE,39082 Point DE at "TO" text...
29786 CALL 54283 ...and print in command summary window at top of screen
29789 LD HL,38658 Point HL at "GIVE AN OBJECT TO ?" text
29792 LD DE,0 Load DE with zero (i.e. no command summary text)
29795 CALL 34122 Display and process input for character selection menu (current room's characters only), setting Current Character
29798 JP Z,29482 If there are no characters in the room then return to game
29801 CALL 55115 Display execute / reject command window and return here if execute chosen, else exit to main game loop
29804 LD IX,44251 Point IX at table of characters' unwanted objects
29808 CALL 33863 If Current Character does not want Current Object...
29811 JP Z,55222 ...then display "[Character] DOES NOT WANT THE [Object]" window (13) and return to game
29814 LD A,4 Increase Current Character's happiness by 4...
29816 CALL 33569 ...
29819 LD A,(29526) Load A with index of Current Object
29822 CP 14 If the selected object is the McTablet Food...
29824 JP Z,29907 ...then skip ahead to 29907
29827 LD A,(29632) Point IX at current inventory of Current Character...
29830 CALL 33585 ...
29833 LD A,(IX+4) If last inventory slot of character is not zero...
29836 OR A ...(i.e. last inventory slot is occupied)...
29837 JP NZ,55212 ...then display "[Character]'S HANDS ARE FULL" window (13) and return to game
29840 LD BC,1280 Load B with 5 (five inventory slots) and C with zero
29843 LD A,(IX+0) Load content of current inventory slot into A
29846 OR A If this inventory slot is empty...
29847 JR Z,29858 ...then skip ahead to 29858
29849 CALL 33487 Load A with weight of object in current slot...
29852 ADD A,C ...and add to C (running total weight)...
29853 LD C,A ...
29854 INC IX Advance to next inventory slot
29856 DJNZ 29843 Loop back to 29843 for next slot
29858 LD A,(29526) Load A with index of Current Object
29861 CALL 33487 Load A with weight of object being given...
29864 ADD A,C ...and add this to total in C also...
29865 LD C,A ...
29866 LD A,(29632) Load A with index of Current Character
29869 LD E,0 Point HL at character's current strength...
29871 CALL 33541 ...
29874 LD A,(HL) Load strength into A...
29875 AND 127 ...and reset bit 7 (unused)
29877 CP C If character's strength is less than total weight of objects...
29878 JP C,55217 ...then display "[Character] IS NOT STRONG ENOUGH" window (13) and return to game
29881 CALL 33500 Load A with Current Character's happiness level...
29884 CP 25 ...and if this is less than 25...
29886 JP C,55222 ...then display "[Character] DOES NOT WANT THE [Object]" window (13) and return to game
29889 LD A,(29526) Load A with index of Current Object...
29892 LD (IX+0),A ...and load this object into the character's first empty slot
29895 LD C,A Load index of object into C
29896 LD B,5 Remove object C from Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying)...
29898 LD HL,25164 ...
29901 CALL 36254 ...
29904 JP 29467 Show Magic Knight's current inventory and jump back to main game loop
29907 CALL 33546 Point IX at Current Character's current stats
29910 BIT 7,(IX+6) If character's asleep flag is reset...
29914 JR Z,29930 ...then skip ahead to 29930
29916 LD A,28 Draw window 28...
29918 CALL 34990 ...
29921 LD HL,38361 Point HL at "[Current Character's name] IS ASLEEP" text...
29924 CALL 34762 ...and print to screen
29927 JP 29479 Display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for input and return to main game loop
29930 LD C,25 Set strength increment to 25
29932 LD A,(IX+0) Load character's current strength into A...
29935 AND 127 ...
29937 CALL 53703 Increase value by 25, up to maximum of 100
29940 LD C,A Load updated strength value into C
29941 LD A,(IX+0) Load updated strength back into character's stats...
29944 AND 128 ...preserving bit 7 (see trivia)
29946 ADD A,C ...
29947 LD (IX+0),A ...
29950 LD C,20 Set stamina increment to 20
29952 LD A,(IX+2) Load character's current stamina into A...
29955 AND 127 ...
29957 CALL 53703 Increase value by 20, up to maximum of 100
29960 LD C,A Load updated stamina value into C
29961 LD A,(IX+2) Load updated stamina back into character's stats...
29964 AND 128 ...preserving bit 7 (see trivia)
29966 ADD A,C ...
29967 LD (IX+2),A ...
29970 LD A,(23672) Load A with LSB of frame counter (pseudo-random number)
29973 AND 3 Discard all but lower two bits, leaving a random number between 0 - 3 (inclusive)
29975 LD B,A Load this number into B
29976 LD HL,44276 Point HL at start of character's responses to McTablet flavours
29979 CALL 54269 Advance HL to B-th entry in list of zero-terminated strings starting at HL
29982 LD DE,37195 Adjust height of window 13 to accommodate text...
29985 CALL 33774 ...
29988 PUSH HL Store HL (pointer to start of text to print)
29989 LD A,13 Draw window 13...
29991 CALL 34990 ...
29994 POP HL Restore HL (pointer to start of text to print)
29995 CALL 34762 Print text to screen
29998 JP 29479 Display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for input and return to main game loop
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