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35441: Script data: Berk jumping
Berk starting to jump straight up
35441 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
35443 DEFB 10,0 Reset walking-left and walking-right flags
35445 DEFW 58119
35447 DEFW 58119
35449 DEFW 56731
35451 DEFB 33,0 Advance Berk's jump and select next phase if current phase complete
35453 DEFB 1,0,121,138 Jump to 35449
Berk landing (after jump)
35457 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
35459 DEFB 10,0 Reset walking-left and walking-right flags
35461 DEFW 58119
35463 DEFW 58119
35465 DEFB 1,0,9,137 Jump to 35081
Berk jumping left
35469 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
35471 DEFB 11,0 Set walking-left flag
35473 DEFW 56275
35475 DEFB 33,0 Advance Berk's jump and select next phase if current phase complete
35477 DEFB 1,0,141,138 Jump to 35469
Berk jumping right
35481 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
35483 DEFB 12,0 Set walking-right flag
35485 DEFW 55734
35487 DEFB 33,0 Advance Berk's jump and select next phase if current phase complete
35489 DEFB 1,0,153,138 Jump to 35481
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