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35417: Script data: Berk starting to fly
Holding nothing
35417 DEFB 21,0 Move carried entity in front of Berk as he faces out of screen
35419 DEFB 57,0 Cycle attributes (full-screen), clear display buffers and paint red areas outside current room
35421 DEFB 15,0,105,138 If Berk is carrying something then jump to 35433
35425 DEFW 56801
35427 DEFB 32,0 Update Berk's position and state (flying) depending upon control input
35429 DEFB 1,0,97,138 Jump to 35425
Holding something
35433 DEFW 57055
35435 DEFB 32,0 Update Berk's position and state (flying) depending upon control input
35437 DEFB 1,0,105,138 Jump to 35433
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