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35327: Script data: Berk starting to fall to the right
35327 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
35329 DEFB 23,0,3,0 Set repeat counter 1 to 3
35333 DEFW 55734
35335 DEFB 3,0 Move right one character
35337 DEFB 24,0 Decrement repeat counter 1 and loop back to 35333 if not zero
At this point, the fall is in progress
35339 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
35341 DEFW 58778
35343 DEFB 3,0 Move right one character
35345 DEFB 3,0 Move right one character
35347 DEFW 58592
35349 DEFB 3,0 Move right one character
35351 DEFB 35,0 Move down one character
35353 DEFB 35,0 Move down one character
35355 DEFW 58928
35357 DEFB 35,0 Move down one character
This is the start of the script data that controls Berk's vertical falls, e.g. when flying power expires, after initial sideways fall down Trap Door, etc.
35359 DEFB 8,0 Set must-process-current-script-data flag
35361 DEFB 29,0 Make Berk start falling, and drop his carried entity if appropriate
35363 DEFW 59168
35365 DEFB 30,0 Check Berk's fall velocity, and react to landing
35367 DEFW 59239
35369 DEFB 30,0 Check Berk's fall velocity, and react to landing
This is the start of the script data that controls Berk when he has landed from a fall. Initially he is lying on the floor stunned, and then he gets up.
35371 DEFW 59311
35373 DEFB 4,0,5,0 If in the same room as current character then set sound 5 as pending
35377 DEFW 59380
35379 DEFB 23,0,15,0 Set repeat counter 1 to 15
35383 DEFW 59311
35385 DEFB 24,0 Decrement repeat counter 1 and loop back to 35383 if not zero
35387 DEFB 23,0,4,0 Set repeat counter 1 to 4
35391 DEFW 59380
35393 DEFB 24,0 Decrement repeat counter 1 and loop back to 35391 if not zero
35395 DEFB 23,0,2,0 Set repeat counter 1 to 2
35399 DEFW 59311
35401 DEFW 59311
35403 DEFW 59380
35405 DEFW 59464
35407 DEFB 24,0 Decrement repeat counter 1 and loop back to 35399 if not zero
35409 DEFW 56731
35411 DEFW 56731
35413 DEFB 1,0,9,137 Jump to 35081
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