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45723: End the game if current character is Off-White or Grunter
Used by the routines at 42244, 43043 and 44933.
45723 LD A,(41937) If Current Character is 7 (Grunter)...
45726 CP 7 ...
45728 JR Z,45760 ...then skip ahead to 45760
45730 OR A If Current Character is not 0 (Off-White)...
45731 RET NZ ...then return
Current Character is Off-White
45732 LD HL,51164 Point HL at "OFF-WHITE KNIGHT SAYS " text
45735 LD DE,49228 Adjust height of window 24 ("game over" window) to accommodate text...
45738 CALL 45617 ...
45741 PUSH HL Store HL (points to first character of text to display)
45742 LD A,24 Draw window 24 ("game over" window)...
45744 CALL 47193 ...
45747 POP HL Restore HL (points to first character of text to display)
45748 CALL 46902 Print text to screen
45751 CALL 64230 Wait for interrupt then display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for fire to be pressed
45754 LD HL,51310 Point HL at "YOU WERE KILLED BY OFF-WHITE KNIGHT." text
45757 JP 64582 Display cyan "game over" window and return to control selection menu
Current Character is Grunter
45760 LD HL,51090 Point HL at "[Current Character's full name] KILLED YOU AS YOU APPROACHED." text
45763 JP 64582 Display cyan "game over" window and return to control selection menu
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