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44933: Process command to tickle a character
Used by the routine at 64623.
44933 LD HL,51408 Point HL at "[Current Command] ?" text (end of sub-menu title, after "WHO DO YOU WANT TO ")
44936 LD DE,56502 Point DE at "TICKLE " text
44939 CALL 45963 Display and process input for character selection menu (current room's characters only), setting Current Character
44942 JP Z,41742 If there are no characters in the room then return to game
44945 CALL 64207 Display execute / reject command window and return here if execute chosen, else exit to main game loop
44948 CALL 45723 End the game if Current Character is Off-White or Grunter
44951 CALL 45552 Display "[Character] IS ASLEEP" window and jump to main game loop if Current Character is asleep, else return here and continue
44954 LD A,(41937) Load A with index of Current Character
44957 LD E,0 Point HL at character's current strength...
44959 CALL 45406 ...
44962 PUSH HL Transfer address from HL...
44963 POP IX ...into IX
44965 LD A,(41937) Load DE with index of Current Character...
44968 LD E,A ...
44969 LD D,0 ...
44971 LD HL,43486 Load HL with start address of table of characters' default happiness levels...
44974 ADD HL,DE ...and add DE as offset
44975 LD A,(IX+1) Load A with character's current happiness...
44978 AND 128 ...and reset all but bit 7 (unused)
44980 OR (HL) Add in character's default happiness...
44981 LD (IX+1),A ...and set as character's current happiness
44984 LD HL,56505 Point HL at "[Current Character's short name] GIGGLES AND BURSTS INTO LAUGHTER..." text
44987 JP 64313 Display "[Character] GIGGLES AND BURSTS INTO LAUGHTER..." window (29) and return to game
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