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45766: Print name of object in inventory slot A of inventory data at HL in command summary window
Used by the routines at 41748, 41924, 42257, 42638, 43494, 43636, 44337, 44635 and 45095.
A Index of an inventory slot, with first slot being zero
HL Points to start of a character's inventory
45766 LD E,A Load inventory slot number into DE...
45767 LD D,0 ...
45769 ADD HL,DE Add to HL as offset
45770 LD A,(HL) Load index of object in that slot into A
45771 LD (41779),A Set this object as the Current Object
45774 LD DE,45779 Point DE at instruction to print name of Current Object...
45777 JR 45795 ...print in command summary window at top of screen and return
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