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41748: Process command to drop an object
Used by the routine at 64623.
41748 CALL 45641 Display "YOU ARE NOT CARRYING ANYTHING" window and set zero flag if Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) is empty
41751 JP Z,41742 If Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) is empty then return to game
41754 LD IX,24848 Point IX at start of Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying)
41758 LD B,5 Load B with 5 (five inventory slots)
41760 LD HL,51920 Point HL at "[Current Command] WHICH OBJECT ?" text
41763 LD DE,51928 Point DE at "[Current Command] THE " text
41766 CALL 45809 Show list of objects in Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) as a menu and load A with selected item index
41769 LD HL,24848 Point HL at start of Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying)
41772 CALL 45766 Print name of selected object in Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) in command summary window
41775 CALL 64207 Display execute / reject command window and return here if execute chosen, else exit to main game loop
The operand of the instruction at 41778 represents the index of the Current Object used in multiple routines. This is modified by the instructions at 41668 and 45771.
41778 LD A,0 Load index of Current Object into A
41780 LD HL,51933 Point HL at "THE [name of Current Object] BLEW UP..." text
41783 CP 5 If Current Object is 5 (Stick of Dynamite)...
41785 JP Z,64582 ...then jump to "game over" window routine and return to control selection menu
41788 CALL 45685 If Current Object is 4 (Teddy Bear) then display "THE BEAR SAYS..." message and wait for fire to be pressed
41791 LD E,0 Load E with 0 (prepare to check drop-status flag)
41793 CALL 45390 Point HL to byte 0 of the A-th record in object properties table
41796 BIT 4,(HL) Reset zero flag if object's drop-status flag is set
41798 LD HL,51970 Point HL at "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THE [name of Current Object]" text
41801 JP NZ,64261 ...then display "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THE [object]" window (13) and return to game
41804 LD A,(41779) Load A with index of Current Object
41807 LD C,A Copy into C
41808 LD B,5 Load B with 5 (five inventory slots)
41810 LD HL,24848 Point HL at start of Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying)
41813 CALL 48341 Remove object C from Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying)
41816 LD A,(23702) Load A with Magic Knight's current room
41819 CP 2 If room is not 2 (Outdoors, 1, Bearwoolf's Cave)...
41821 JR NZ,41850 ...then skip ahead to 41850
41823 LD A,(41779) Load A with index of Current Object
41826 LD C,A Multiply object index by 3...
41827 ADD A,A ...
41828 ADD A,C ...
41829 LD C,A ...and load into C
41830 LD B,0 Load B with zero
41832 LD HL,24922 Point HL at start of objects' current positions table at 24922
41835 ADD HL,BC Add three times Current Object's index as offset to point HL at position data of current object
41836 XOR A Set object's current room...
41837 LD (HL),A be zero (Limbo)
41838 INC HL Advance HL to x-coordinate of object...
41839 LD (HL),15 ...and set to 15
41841 INC HL Advance HL to y-coordinate of object...
41842 LD (HL),22 ...and set to 22
41844 LD HL,51981 Display "THE MAD JANITOR..." window (12) and return to game...
41847 JP 64297 ...
41850 LD A,(41779) Load C with index of Current Object...
41853 LD C,A ...
41854 CP 20 If Current Object is 20 (Mirror)...
41856 CALL Z,41915 ...then load C with 7 (index of Broken Glass)
41859 CP 17 If Current Object is 17 (Bottle of Liquid)...
41861 CALL Z,41918 ...then load C with 8 (index of Broken Glass)
41864 CP 18 If Current Object is 18 (Bottle of Liquid)...
41866 CALL Z,41921 ...then load C with 9 (index of Broken Glass)
41869 CP 28 If Current Object is 28 (Empty Bottle)...
41871 CALL Z,41918 ...then load C with 8 (index of Broken Glass)
41874 CP 29 If Current Object is 29 (Empty Bottle)...
41876 CALL Z,41921 ...then load C with 9 (index of Broken Glass)
41879 LD A,C Load object's index into A
41880 ADD A,A Multiply object index by 3...
41881 ADD A,C ...
41882 LD C,A ...and load back into C
41883 LD B,0 Load B with zero
41885 LD HL,24922 Point HL at start of objects' current positions table at 24922
41888 ADD HL,BC Add three times Current Object's index as offset to point HL at position data of current object
41889 LD A,(23702) Load A with Magic Knight's current room
41892 LD (HL),A Set object's current room to be same as Magic Knight's
41893 INC HL Advance HL to x-coordinate of object
41894 LD B,0 Set B to zero
41896 LD A,(24840) Load A with Magic Knight's current x-coordinate (pixels)
41899 AND 7 Get x-coordinate in terms of pixels within current character block (i.e. lowest 3 bits of x-coordinate)
41901 JR Z,41904 If this is zero (i.e. Magic Knight at left-most pixel in character block) then skip ahead to 41904...
41903 INC B ...else increase B
41904 CALL 45584 Load Magic Knight's coordinates (in characters) into DE
41907 LD A,B Load B into A
41908 ADD A,E Add Magic Knight's x-coordinate to A
41909 LD (HL),A Set this as object's x-coordinate
41910 INC HL Advance HL to y-coordinate of object
41911 LD (HL),D Set this to same as Magic Knight's y-coordinate
41912 JP 41727 Show Magic Knight's current inventory and jump back to main game loop
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