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43250: Have a character help if possible
Used by the routine at 64623.
43250 CALL 45552 Display "[Character] IS ASLEEP" window and jump to main game loop if Current Character is asleep, else return here and continue
43253 LD A,32 Set last character in "[Current Character's short name] CANNOT HELP YOU  " text at 52770...
43255 LD (52779),A 32 (SPACE) (see trivia)
43258 LD A,(41937) If index of Current Character is 7 (Grunter the Bearwoolf)...
43261 CP 7 ...
43263 JR Z,43293 ...then skip ahead to 43293
43265 CALL 45411 Point IX at Current Character's current stats
43268 BIT 7,(IX+3) If character's can-help flag is reset...
43272 JP Z,64285 ...then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
43275 LD A,(IX+2) If character's stamina is less than 10...
43278 AND 127 ...
43280 CP 10 ...then set carry flag, otherwise reset
43282 LD HL,52781 Point HL at "[Current Character's short name] IS TOO TIRED TO HELP YOU " text
43285 JP C,64313 ...then display "[Character] IS TOO TIRED TO HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
43288 LD B,10 If character's happiness is less than 10 then show "[Character] DOES NOT WANT TO BE COMMANDED..." and jump to main game loop...
43290 CALL 45423 ...
43293 LD A,(41937) Load A with index of Current Character
43296 LD HL,43302 Point HL at start of table of addresses of characters' help routines
43299 JP 64623 Advance HL by A words, load HL with word at location HL as address and jump to it
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