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43199: Make current character go away if possible
Used by the routine at 64623.
43199 LD A,(41937) If index of Current Character is 6 (Organon the Guard)...
43202 CP 6 ...then set zero flag, otherwise reset
43204 LD HL,56124 Point HL at "[Current Character's short name] SAYS 'I THINK YOU ARE THE ONE..." text
43207 JP Z,64293 If Current Character is Organon then display "I THINK YOU ARE THE ONE..." window (15) and return to game
43210 LD A,253 Decrease Current Character's happiness by 3...
43212 CALL 45434 ...
43215 CALL 45552 Display "[Character] IS ASLEEP" window and jump to main game loop if Current Character is asleep, else return here and continue
43218 CALL 45411 Point IX at Current Character's current stats
43221 LD A,(IX+2) If character's stamina is less than 20...
43224 AND 127 ...
43226 CP 20 ...then set carry flag, otherwise reset it
43228 LD HL,52744 Point HL at "[Current Character's short name] IS TOO TIRED TO GO AWAY" text
43231 JP C,64313 If carry flag is set then display "[Character] IS TOO TIRED TO GO AWAY" window (29) and return to game
43234 LD B,20 If character's happiness is less than 20 then show "[Character] DOES NOT WANT TO BE COMMANDED..." and jump to main game loop...
43236 CALL 45423 ...
43239 CALL 45601 Point HL at current position data for Current Character
43242 LD (HL),99 Change current room number for Current Character to 99
43244 LD HL,52756 Point HL at "[Current Character's short name] HAS GONE AWAY" text
43247 JP 64313 Display "[Character] HAS GONE AWAY" window (29) and return to game
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