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48760: Load A, D and E with positional data for a carried entity or return
Used by the routines at 48710, 48715, 48727 and 48738.
IX Address of complex state data for an entity
A Width of carried entity (characters) minus 1, divided by two
D Depth of entity at IX (Berk)
E Width of carried entity (characters) minus 1
IY Address of complex state data for entity held by Berk
48760 BIT 4,(IX+9) If entity IX is Berk and his carrying-something flag is set...
48764 JR NZ,48768 ...then skip ahead to 48768
48766 POP BC Pop top value (return address) off stack...
48767 RET ...and return to routine that called the calling routine
48768 LD IY,(34260) Load IY with address of complex state data for entity held by Berk
48772 LD A,(IX+0) Set this entity's room to be same as Berk's...
48775 LD (IY+0),A ...
48778 CALL 48897 Move carried entity into vertical position appropriate to its height
48781 LD A,(34272) Load A and E with width of entity (characters) carried by Berk, minus 1...
48784 LD E,A ...
48785 SRL A Divide A by two, removing remainder
48787 LD D,(IX+1) Load carried entity's depth into D
48790 RET Return
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