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48738: Move carried entity to Berk's left as he faces left
Used by the routines at 48698 and 54419.
IY Address of complex state data for an entity carried by Berk
48738 CALL 48760 If Berk is carrying an entity then load A with its width minus one divided by two and D with Berk's depth, else return
48741 ADD A,A Double A to give width minus one... (see bugs)
48742 INC A ...and add one to get width of entity
48743 NEG Subtract width of carried entity...
48745 ADD A,(IX+5) ...from Berk's left-side x-coordinate and load into A
48748 INC D Increase the depth (as carried entity has moved deeper into the screen)
This entry point is used by the routines at 48715 and 48727.
48749 LD (IY+5),A Set carried entity's horizontal position and depth...
48752 ADD A,E ...
48753 LD (IY+7),A ...
48756 LD (IY+1),D ...
48759 RET Return
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