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39776: Update state of large yellow creature (level 3)
Used by the routine at 39137.
39776 LD IY,44868 Load IY with address of complex state data for large yellow creature (level 3)
39780 LD IX,(34240) Load IX with address of current level's complex state data for Berk
39784 LD HL,44877 Load HL with address of large yellow creature's flags...
39787 LD A,(HL) ...and load flags into A
39788 CP 2 If creature is in "rising from floor" mode...
39790 JR Z,39831 ...then skip ahead to 39831
39792 CP 4 If creature is in "hunting" mode...
39794 JR Z,39845 ...then skip ahead to 39845
39796 CP 8 If creature is in "attacking" mode...
39798 JR Z,39918 ...then skip ahead to 39918
39800 CP 16 If creature is in "just attacked" mode...
39802 JP Z,39934 ...then set creature's mode to "returning home", set Berk-has-been-killed flag and return
39805 LD A,(IX+0) If Berk's current room is not 3 (large yellow creature's room)...
39808 CP 3 ...
39810 JP NZ,39998 ...then set creature's mode to "returning home", move one step closer to home and return
"Returning home" mode
39813 LD A,(IY+5) If x-coordinate of creature's left side...
39816 CP (IX+5) the same as that of Berk's left side...
39819 JR Z,39828 ...then skip ahead to 39828
39821 INC A If x-coordinate of creature's left side...
39822 CP (IX+5) not one character to the right of Berk's left side...
39825 JP NZ,39998 ...then set creature's mode to "returning home", move one step closer to home and return
39828 LD A,2 Set creature's mode to "rising from floor"...
39830 LD (HL),A ...
"Rising from floor" mode
39831 CALL 39971 Move creature such that its left edge is up to two characters closer to Berk's
39834 CALL 39961 Move creature up by two characters
39837 LD A,(IY+4) If y-coordinate of creature's top...
39840 CP 108 108 or greater...
39842 RET NC ...then return
39843 LD (HL),4 Set creature's mode to "hunting"
"Hunting" mode
39845 LD A,(IX+0) If Berk's current room is not 3 (large yellow creature's room)...
39848 CP 3 ...
39850 JP NZ,39998 ...then set creature's mode to "returning home", move one step closer to home and return
39853 LD A,(34220) If Berk's current power is invisibility (level 3)...
39856 CP 11 ...
39858 JR Z,39909 ...then skip ahead to 39909 ("confused" mode)
39860 LD A,(IX+4) If y-coordinate of Berk's top...
39863 CP 103 less than 103...
39865 JR C,39909 ...then skip ahead to 39909 ("confused" mode)
39867 CALL 39971 Move creature such that its left edge is up to two characters closer to Berk's
39870 LD A,(IY+4) If creature's top...
39873 ADD A,4 four characters above Berk's top...
39875 CP (IX+4) ...
39878 JR Z,39890 ...then skip ahead to 39890 (set "attacking" mode)
39880 JR NC,39961 If creature's top is less than 4 characters above Berk's top then move creature up by two characters and return
39882 INC A If creature's top is five characters above Berk's top...
39883 CP (IX+4) ...
39886 JR Z,39890 ...then skip ahead to 39890 (set "attacking" mode)
39888 JR C,39951 If creature's top is more than five characters above Berk's top then move creature down two characters and return
39890 LD (HL),8 Set creature's mode to "attacking"
39892 LD (IY+1),1 Set creature's depth to 1
39896 SET 5,(IX+9) Set Berk's do-not-update-state flag
39900 LD BC,40442 Set graphic layout data address for creature to 40442 (large yellow creature with mouth open)...
39903 CALL 39944 ...
39906 JP 36296 Make Berk drop the entity he is holding, load IY with its complex state data address and return
"Confused" mode
39909 LD BC,40485 Set graphic layout data address for creature to 40485 (large yellow creature, animated, confused)...
39912 CALL 39944 ...
39915 JP 40008 Move creature one step closer to x (left) = 113, y (top) > 111 if not already there, and return
"Attacking" mode
39918 CALL 39951 Move creature down two characters
39921 LD (IX+1),0 Set Berk's depth to zero
39925 LD (HL),16 Set creature's mode to "just attacked"
39927 LD BC,40451 Set graphic layout data address for creature to 40451 (large yellow creature with mouth closed)...
39930 JP 39944 ...and return
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