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39971: Move entity IY such that its left edge is up to two characters closer to entity IX's
Used by the routine at 39776.
IX Address of complex state data for entity A
IY Address of complex state data for entity B
39971 CALL 39975 Move entity B one character closer (horizontally) to entity A...
39974 RET Z ...and if left edges now both at same x-coordinate then return
If entities' left edges are not at the same x-coordinate, then proceed into the code block below and move entity B by one additional character.
39975 LD A,(IX+5) If x-coordinates of both entities' left edges are the same...
39978 CP (IY+5) ...
39981 RET Z ...then return
39982 JR C,39991 If entity B's left edge is to the right of entity A's then move entity B left by one character
39984 INC (IY+5) Move entity B right by one character...
39987 INC (IY+7) ...
39990 RET Return
39991 DEC (IY+5) Move entity B left by one character...
39994 DEC (IY+7) ...
39997 RET Return
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