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46463: Print Magic Knight's current strength at (6, 2) as text if he is carrying the Mirror
Used by the routines at 38780, 40153, 40201 and 46560.
46463 LD A,20 If Magic Knight is not carrying the Mirror (20)...
46465 CALL 45510 ...
46468 RET NZ ...then return
46469 CALL 64935 Set left and right x-coordinates (23408 and 23410) to edges of screen and load A with Magic Knight's current strength
46472 LD HL,51067 Point HL at "---" text...
46475 CALL 46837 ...and overwrite with Magic Knight's current strength as a string
46478 LD HL,16454 Load HL with display file address corresponding to (6, 2) (characters)...
46481 LD (63018),HL ...and move bitmap virtual text cursor here
46484 LD HL,51067 Load HL with address of text containing Magic Knight's current strength...
46487 JP 46902 ...print to screen and return
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