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40153: Decrease Magic Knight's current strength by ten
Used by the routine at 40008.
40153 LD B,10 Load B with 10 (as we are decreasing Magic Knight's strength by 10)
This entry point is used by the routine at 40177.
40155 LD A,(24768) Load Magic Knight's current strength into A...
40158 OR A ...and if zero...
40159 JR Z,40173 ...then skip ahead to 40173
40161 DEC A Decrease Magic Knight's current strength by one...
40162 LD (24768),A ...
40165 PUSH BC Store BC
40166 CALL 46463 Print Magic Knight's current strength at (6, 2) as text if he is carrying the Mirror
40169 POP BC Restore BC
40170 DJNZ 40155 Loop back to 40155 for next strength point
This entry point is used by the routine at 40190.
This entry point serves as the room-specific routine for various rooms.
40172 RET Return
40173 POP AF Remove return address of calling routine from top of stack
40174 JP 38857 Display "YOU DIED OF EXHAUSTION" game over window and return to control selection menu
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