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40201: Room-specific routine: Decrease Magic Knight's strength by one once every four frames
Used by the routine at 40190.
40201 LD A,(23672) Load A with LSB of frame counter...
40204 AND 3 ...clear bits 2-7 to leave random number between 0 and 3...
40206 RET NZ ...and if number is not zero then return
40207 LD A,(24768) Load A with unused bit...
40210 AND 128 ...
40212 LD (40223),A ...and store as operand of instruction at 40222
40215 LD A,(24768) Load Magic Knight's current strength into A...
40218 AND 127 ...
40220 DEC A ...and decrease by one
40221 PUSH AF Store AF (A = Magic Knight's new strength)
The operand of the instruction at 40222 represents the unused bit from Magic Knight's current strength. This is modified by the instruction at 40212.
40222 ADD A,0 Combine unused bit with new strength value in A...
40224 LD (24768),A ...and store as Magic Knight's current strength
40227 CALL 46463 Print Magic Knight's current strength at (6, 2) as text if he is carrying the Mirror
40230 POP AF Restore AF (A = Magic Knight's new strength)...
40231 JP Z,38857 ...and if zero then display "YOU DIED OF EXHAUSTION" game over window and return to control selection menu
40234 RET Return
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