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44100: Cast Travel to Person if possible, otherwise display failure message
Used by the routine at 64623.
44100 CALL 63399 Print or update command summary window at top of screen
44103 LD DE,55955 Point DE at "TRAVEL TO " text...
44106 CALL 63349 ...and print in command summary window at top of screen
44109 LD HL,51428 Point HL at "TRAVEL TO ?" text
44112 PUSH HL Store HL (pointer to "TRAVEL TO ?" text)
44113 LD HL,48589 Load HL with start address of list of characters for "TRAVEL TO" character selection menu
44116 CALL 46106 Display and process input for character selection menu ("TRAVEL TO")
44119 CALL 64207 Display execute / reject command window and return here if execute chosen, else exit to main game loop
44122 LD A,2 If Magic Knight is not carrying the Crystal Ball (2)...
44124 CALL 45510 ...
44127 JP NZ,64290 ...then display "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THAT SPELL NOW..." window (12) and return to game
44130 LD A,25 If Magic Knight is not carrying the Magic Missile (25)...
44132 CALL 45510 ...
44135 JP NZ,64290 ...then display "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THAT SPELL NOW..." window (12) and return to game
44138 LD A,(41937) Load BC with three times index of Current Character...
44141 LD C,A ...
44142 ADD A,A ...
44143 ADD A,C ...
44144 LD B,0 ...
44146 LD C,A ...
44147 LD HL,24898 Point IX at start of table of characters' current positions at 24898...
44150 ADD HL,BC ...and add BC as offset
44151 LD A,(HL) If character's current room is 99...
44152 CP 99 ...
44154 JP Z,64290 ...then display "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THAT SPELL NOW..." window (12) and return to game
44157 CP 100 If character's current room is 100...
44159 JP Z,64290 ...then display "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THAT SPELL NOW..." window (12) and return to game
44162 LD C,30 If Magic Knight's magic level is at least 30 then flash border and screen and decrease Magic Knight's magic level by 30, otherwise set carry flag
44164 PUSH HL
44165 CALL 44225
44168 POP HL
44169 JP C,64290 If carry flag set then display "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THAT SPELL NOW..." window (12) and return to game
44172 LD A,(HL) Set Magic Knight's current room to be the same as the character's...
44173 LD (23702),A ...
44176 INC HL Advance HL to character's x-coordinate...
44177 LD A,(HL) ...and load into A
44178 ADD A,A Multiply A by eight to get x-coordinate in pixels...
44179 ADD A,A ...
44180 ADD A,A ...
44181 LD (24840),A ...and set Magic Knight's current x-coordinate to this value
44184 INC HL Advance HL to character's y-coordinate...
44185 LD A,(HL) ...and load into A
44186 ADD A,A Multiply A by eight to get y-coordinate in pixels...
44187 ADD A,A ...
44188 ADD A,A ...
44189 LD (24841),A ...and set Magic Knight's current y-coordinate to this value
44195 JP 64293 Display "YOU FEEL YOUR BODY SUCKED THROUGH A BYPASS..." window (15) and return to game
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