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46106: Display and process input for character selection menu (character list defined at HL)
This routine is called at 44116 and 44397. In both cases, the address of a piece of text ("TRAVEL TO" or "SUMMON") is PUSHed onto the stack just before the call.
Used by the routines at 44100 and 44337.
HL Start address of list of characters for a character selection menu
46106 LD (46138),HL Load list start address into operand of instruction at 46137
46109 PUSH HL Store HL (start address of list of characters)
46110 CALL 47938 Play short downward scale sound
46113 POP HL Restore HL (start address of list of characters)
46114 LD DE,49060 Point DE at y-coordinate of top edge of window 3 in window data table at 49034...
46117 LD A,(HL) Load required window height from start of list of characters...
46118 CALL 45625 ...and set window's height to this value
46121 LD A,3 Display character selection menu...
46123 CALL 47185 ...
46126 LD HL,51367 Print "WHO DO YOU WANT TO " text...
46129 CALL 46902 ...
46132 POP HL Restore HL (address to return to upon RET instruction)...
46133 EX (SP),HL ...and swap with next value on stack (pointer to text that was PUSHed before this routine was called)
46134 CALL 46902 Print the text ("TRAVEL TO" or "SUMMON")
The operand of the instruction at 46137 represents the start address of the list of characters. This is modified by the instruction at 46106.
46137 LD HL,0 Load HL with start address of list of characters
46140 INC HL Advance HL by one byte
46141 LD A,(HL) If value at HL is 255 (end marker)...
46142 CP 255 ...
46144 JR Z,46165 ...then skip ahead to 46165
46146 PUSH HL Store HL (current position in list of characters)
46147 LD (41937),A Set character at current position in list to be Current Character
46150 LD HL,50753 Point HL to text printing instruction to move cursor to start of next character row within window, then right by two characters and print
46153 CALL 46902
46156 LD HL,45800 Point HL at instruction to print full name of Current Character...
46159 CALL 46902 ...and print
46162 POP HL Restore HL (current position in list of characters)
46163 JR 46140 Loop back to 46140 for next entry in list
46165 CALL 47502 Process keyboard / joystick input on a menu and load A with selected item index
46168 INC A Add one to selected item index (as first entry in list is window height)...
46169 LD C,A ...and load into BC...
46170 LD B,0 ...
46172 LD HL,(46138) Load HL with list start address...
46175 ADD HL,BC ...and add BC as offset
46176 LD A,(HL) Load A with entry at position HL in list (i.e. index of selected character)...
46177 LD (41937),A ...and set as Current Character
46180 JP 45792 Print character's name and return
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