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44063: Cast Spell of Wonder if possible, otherwise display failure message
Used by the routine at 64623.
44063 LD C,60 If Magic Knight's magic level is at least 60...
44065 CALL 44225 ...then flash border and screen and decrease Magic Knight's magic level by 60...
44068 JP C,64290 ...otherwise display "YOU CANNOT [Current Command] THAT SPELL NOW..." window (12) and return to game
44071 LD A,(24768) Load B with unused bit...
44074 AND 128 ...
44076 LD B,A ...
44077 LD A,(24768) Load Magic Knight's current strength into A...
44080 AND 127 ...
44082 ADD A,10 ...add 10...
44084 CP 101 ...and if less than 101...
44086 JR C,44090 ...then skip ahead to 44090
44088 LD A,100 Load A with 100
44090 OR B Combine unused bit with value in A...
44091 LD (24768),A ...and store as Magic Knight's new strength
44094 LD HL,55685 Point HL at "YOU FEEL THE USUAL MAGIC ENERGY DRAIN..." text
44097 JP 64305 Display "YOU FEEL THE USUAL MAGIC ENERGY DRAIN..." window (27) and return to game
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