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36725: Print text at location HL to screen
HL Points to text data to print
36725 PUSH AF Store AF
36726 PUSH HL Store HL
36727 CALL 36709 Update stored location of start of attribute data
36730 POP HL Retrieve HL
36731 DEC HL Prepare for loop
This entry point is used by the routines at 36800 and 36830.
36732 INC HL Advance to next character code to be printed...
36733 LD A,(HL) ...and load into A
36734 OR A If character code is zero (i.e. end marker)...
36735 JP Z,36798 ...then return from text printing
36738 CP 9 If character code is 9 (move right)...
36740 JP Z,36875 ...then move virtual text cursor right by one character
36743 CP 13 If character code is 13 ("ENTER" - carriage return + line feed)...
36745 JP Z,36800 ...then move virtual text cursor down to start of next row
36748 CP 14 If character code is 14...
36750 JP Z,36810 ...then move virtual text cursor down to start of next row within current window
36753 CP 16 If character code is 16 (change of INK colour)...
36755 JP Z,36861 ...then go to change INK colour routine
36758 CP 17 If character code is 17 (change of PAPER colour)...
36760 JP Z,36849 ...then go to change PAPER colour routine
36763 CP 18 If character code is 18 (change of FLASH status)...
36765 JP Z,36857 ...go to change FLASH status routine
36768 CP 19 If character code is 19 (change of BRIGHT status)...
36770 JP Z,36853 ...then go to change BRIGHT status routine
36773 CP 29 If character code is 29 (print name of Current Object)...
36775 JP Z,36882 ...then go to the print Current Object name routine
36778 CP 30 If character code is 30 (print full name of Current Character)...
36780 JP Z,36892 ...then print the Current Character's full name
36783 CP 31 If character code is 31 (print short name of Current Character)...
36785 JP Z,36900 ...then print the Current Character's short name
36788 CP 91 If character code is 91 or greater (i.e. special character)...
36790 JP NC,36830 ...then print special character or change text attribute
36793 CALL 36475 Print character to screen
36796 JR 36732 Loop back to 36732 to print next character
36798 POP AF Restore AF and return
36799 RET Return
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