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34350: Check if current character is asleep and display "[CHARACTER] IS ASLEEP" window if so
Used by the routines at 31804, 31842, 31920 and 31980.
34350 PUSH HL Store HL
34351 LD A,(30615) Load A with index of Current Character
34354 LD E,6 Point HL at...
34356 CALL 34174 ...Current Character's asleep flag
34359 BIT 7,(HL) If character is awake...
34361 JR Z,34382 ...then exit routine
34363 LD A,34 Draw window 34...
34365 CALL 36987 ...
34368 LD HL,43641 Point HL at "[CHARACTER] IS ASLEEP" text...
34371 CALL 36725 ...and print the text
34374 CALL 38749 Display "PRESS SPACE OR FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for SPACE / fire
34377 POP HL Restore HL
34378 POP HL Remove return address of calling "command a character to" routine
34379 JP 30428 Reset Gimbal-white-out-safe flag, redraw current room and return to main game loop
34382 POP HL Restore HL
34383 XOR A Set A to zero
34384 RET Return
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