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32876: Kill Magic Knight with exploding candle
Used by the routine at 32823.
32876 LD HL,49505 Load number of rows spanned by "BOOM! THE CANDLE BLEW UP..." text into A...
32879 LD A,(HL) ...
32880 LD (42157),A ...and adjust height of window 35 accordingly
32883 INC HL Advance HL to start of actual text
32884 LD A,35 Prepare to draw window 35
32886 PUSH HL Store HL (pointer to text)
32887 CALL 36987 Draw window 35
32890 POP HL Restore HL (pointer to text)
32891 CALL 36725 Print the text in the window
32894 CALL 38749 Display "PRESS SPACE OR FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for space / fire
32897 LD HL,50168 Point HL at "YOU BLEW YOURSELF UP" text
32900 JP 35101 Jump to "game over" window routine and exit
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