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55138: Display "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" window and wait for fire to be pressed
Used by the routines at 26745, 26855, 26926, 27762, 28506, 28554, 29330, 32252, 33338, 33834, 34122, 34265, 54647, 55364 and 55685.
55138 CALL 35739 Play hiss-type sound
55141 LD A,14 Draw window 14 ("PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE")...
55143 CALL 34990 ...
55146 LD HL,38309 Point HL at "PRESS FIRE TO CONTINUE" text string...
55149 CALL 34762 ...and print to screen
55152 CALL 54942 Capture keyboard or joystick input loading result into A
55155 BIT 4,A If fire-pressed flag is reset...
55157 JR Z,55152 ...then loop back to 55152
55159 CALL 35386 Wait for fire button / key to be released
55162 JP 35690 Play upward scale sound and return
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