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54333: Print or update command summary window at top of screen
Used by the routines at 29330, 29619, 30145, 31041, 31688, 32252, 32895 and 54322.
The operand of the instruction at 54333 represents the index of the window being drawn. This is modified by the instructions at 35001 and 54371.
54333 LD A,0 Load index of window being drawn into A
54335 PUSH AF Store AF (A = index of Current Window)
54336 LD HL,(54110) Load HL with address of bitmap virtual text cursor...
54339 PUSH HL ...and store
54340 CALL 54377 Store x- and y-coordinates of current window temporarily at 23426
54343 LD A,1 Draw window 1 (command summary window at top of screen)...
54345 HALT ...and wait for interrupt...
54346 CALL 34990 ...
54349 LD HL,38354 Point HL to ("COMMAND") text...
54352 CALL 34762 ...and print to screen
54355 LD HL,(54110) Load HL with address of bitmap virtual text cursor
54358 PUSH HL Store HL (address of bitmap virtual text cursor)
54359 CALL 27750 Print "KNIGHT-TYME" text at bottom of command summary window
54362 POP HL Restore HL (address of bitmap virtual text cursor)
54363 LD (23703),HL Store this location as the location to print text to in the command summary window
54366 CALL 54377 Restore x- and y-coordinates of current window from 23426
54369 POP HL Restore HL (address of bitmap virtual text cursor)
54370 POP AF Restore AF (A = index of Current Window)
54371 LD (54334),A Restore index of Current Window to 54334 (was updated to 1 by call at 54346)
54374 JP 54188 Store the updated address of bitmap virtual text cursor and return
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