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53937: End game due to running out of time
Used by the routine at 53498.
53937 LD HL,45224 Point HL at "YOU RAN OUT OF TIME" text...
53940 LD (53949),HL ...and store as operand in instruction at 53948
53943 POP AF Remove return address (call to this routine) from top of stack
53944 CALL 54079 Restore all registers from the stack
53947 POP AF Remove return address (call to interrupt routine) from top of stack
The operand of the instruction at 53948 represents the address of the game over text to use. This is modified by the instruction at 53940.
53948 LD HL,0 Restore address of "YOU RAN OUT OF TIME" text to HL
53951 EI Enable interrupts
53952 JP 55685 Jump to "game over" window routine and return to control selection menu
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