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Routines |
Prev: 29330 | Up: Map | Next: 29619 |
Used by the routine at 55726.
29488 | CALL 33834 | Display "YOU ARE NOT CARRYING ANYTHING" window and set zero flag if Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) is empty | ||||||
29491 | JP Z,29482 | If Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) is empty then return to game | ||||||
29494 | LD IX,25164 | Point IX at start of Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) | ||||||
29498 | LD B,5 | Load B with 5 (five inventory slots) | ||||||
29500 | LD HL,38904 | Point HL at "DROP WHICH OBJECT ?" text | ||||||
29503 | LD DE,38916 | Point DE at "DROP THE " text | ||||||
29506 | CALL 33952 | Show list of objects in Magic Knight's inventory (carrying) as a menu and load A with selected item index | ||||||
29509 | LD HL,25164 | Point HL at start of Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) | ||||||
29512 | CALL 33911 | Print name of selected object in Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) in command summary window | ||||||
29515 | CALL 55115 | Display execute / reject command window and return here if execute chosen, else exit to main game loop | ||||||
29518 | BIT 1,(IY+89) | If "USE TRANSPORTER" command is enabled (i.e. Magic Knight is standing on a transporter pad)... | ||||||
29522 | JP NZ,55349 | ...then display "YOU CANNOT DROP THE [Object] HERE" window (29) and return to game | ||||||
The operand of the instruction at 29525 represents the index of the Current Object used in multiple routines. This is modified by the instructions at 29414 and 33916.
29525 | LD A,0 | Load index of current object into A | ||||||
29527 | CP 16 | If object is Quark Bomb... | ||||||
29529 | JP Z,29613 | ...then skip ahead to 29613 | ||||||
29532 | LD E,0 | Load E with 0 (prepare to check drop-status flag) | ||||||
29534 | CALL 33525 | Point HL to byte 0 of the A-th record in object properties table | ||||||
29537 | BIT 4,(HL) | If object's drop-status flag is set... | ||||||
29539 | JP NZ,55197 | ...then display "YOU CANNOT DROP THE [object]" window (13) and return to game | ||||||
29542 | BIT 7,(HL) | If object's is-breakable flag is set... | ||||||
29544 | JP NZ,29597 | ...then skip ahead to 29597 | ||||||
29547 | LD A,(29526) | Load A with index of Current Object | ||||||
29550 | LD C,A | Copy into C | ||||||
29551 | PUSH BC | Store BC (C = index of Current Object) | ||||||
29552 | LD B,5 | Load B with 5 (five inventory slots) | ||||||
29554 | LD HL,25164 | Point HL at start of Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) | ||||||
29557 | CALL 36254 | Remove object C from Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) | ||||||
29560 | POP BC | Restore BC (C = index of Current Object) | ||||||
29561 | LD A,C | Load current object's index into A | ||||||
29562 | ADD A,A | Multiply object index by 3... | ||||||
29563 | ADD A,C | ... | ||||||
29564 | LD C,A | ...and load back into C | ||||||
29565 | LD B,0 | Load B with zero | ||||||
29567 | LD HL,25286 | Point HL at start of objects' current positions table at 25286 | ||||||
29570 | ADD HL,BC | Add three times Current Object's index as offset to point HL at position data of current object | ||||||
29571 | LD A,(23701) | Load A with Magic Knight's current room | ||||||
29574 | LD (HL),A | Set object's current room to be same as Magic Knight's | ||||||
29575 | INC HL | Advance HL to x-coordinate of object | ||||||
29576 | LD B,0 | Set B to zero | ||||||
29578 | LD A,(25156) | Load A with Magic Knight's current x-coordinate (pixels) | ||||||
29581 | AND 7 | Get x-coordinate in terms of pixels within current character block (i.e. lowest 3 bits of x-coordinate) | ||||||
29583 | JR Z,29586 | If this is zero (i.e. Magic Knight at left-most pixel in character block) then skip ahead to 29586... | ||||||
29585 | INC B | ...else increase B | ||||||
29586 | CALL 33757 | Load Magic Knight's coordinates (in characters) into DE | ||||||
29589 | LD A,B | Load B into A | ||||||
29590 | ADD A,E | Add Magic Knight's x-coordinate to A | ||||||
29591 | LD (HL),A | Set this as object's x-coordinate | ||||||
29592 | INC HL | Advance HL to y-coordinate of object | ||||||
29593 | LD (HL),D | Set this to same as Magic Knight's y-coordinate | ||||||
29594 | JP 29467 | Show Magic Knight's current inventory and jump back to main game loop | ||||||
29597 | LD A,(29526) | Load A with index of Current Object | ||||||
29600 | LD C,A | Copy into C | ||||||
29601 | LD B,5 | Load B with 5 (five inventory slots) | ||||||
29603 | LD HL,25164 | Point HL at start of Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) | ||||||
29606 | CALL 36254 | Remove object C from Magic Knight's current inventory (carrying) | ||||||
29609 | LD C,15 | Set object to drop to Broken Glass | ||||||
29611 | JR 29561 | Jump back to 29561 to drop the Broken Glass | ||||||
29613 | LD HL,44862 | Point HL at "YOU HAVE DESTROYED YOURSELF BY DROPPING THE..." text | ||||||
29616 | JP 55685 | Jump to "game over" window routine and return to control selection menu |
Prev: 29330 | Up: Map | Next: 29619 |