Prev: 53782 Up: Map Next: 53825
53814: Advance DE by 2 × A bytes and load word at this location into DE
Used by the routines at 49010, 51779 and 53723.
A Index
DE Base address
DE WORD value at DE (input) + 2 × A (input)
53814 PUSH HL Store HL
53815 ADD A,A Load HL with double index...
53816 LD L,A ...
53817 LD H,0 ...
53819 ADD HL,DE Add HL to DE as offset, in HL
53820 LD E,(HL) Load address at HL into DE...
53821 INC HL ...
53822 LD D,(HL) ...
53823 POP HL Restore HL
53824 RET Return
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