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49010: Script routine: (33) Advance Berk's jump and select next phase if current phase complete
Used by the routine at 48096.
HL New address in script data
49010 CALL 55041 Handle Berk's jump, and load A with jump state index as appropriate...
49013 LD A,E ...
49014 OR A If jump state index is zero...
49015 JP Z,48096 ...then jump to 48096 (advance HL to next script instruction and execute)
49018 DEC A Decrease jump state index
49019 LD DE,48994 Load DE with start address of table of addresses of Berk's jump script data
49022 CALL 53814 Advance DE by 2 × A bytes, load WORD at this location into HL...
49025 EX DE,HL ...
49026 JP 48098 ...and execute script instruction at this location
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