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53057: Increase worm's age and set its depth to zero if it has expired
Used by the routines at 52914 and 52967.
IX Address of complex state data (current level) for worm
53057 LD A,(52728) Increase current worm age value...
53060 INC A ...
53061 LD (52728),A ...
53064 BIT 7,A If worm age is less than 128...
53066 RET Z ...then return
53067 LD A,(34218) If current character's room...
53070 CP (IX+0) the same as the worm's...
53073 RET Z ...then return
53074 XOR A Set the worm's depth to zero...
53075 LD (IX+1),A ...
53078 LD (52728),A Reset worm age to zero
53081 POP BC Remove top value from stack (return address in calling routine)
53082 RET Return (to routine that called the calling routine)
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