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Routines |
Prev: 53057 | Up: Map | Next: 53159 |
Used by the routine at 52860.
53083 | LD A,60 | Load A with a random number, 0-59... | ||||||
53085 | CALL 54222 | ... | ||||||
53088 | OR A | If random number is not zero (59 in 60 chance)... | ||||||
53089 | RET NZ | ...then return | ||||||
53090 | LD A,(34218) | Set worm's current room to same as current character's... | ||||||
53093 | LD (IX+0),A | ... | ||||||
53096 | CALL 53848 | Store room size data for worm's current room | ||||||
53099 | LD A,(34235) | Load A with width of current room (chars) + 99... | ||||||
53102 | SUB 100 | ...and subtract 100 to get x-coordinate (zero-based) of right side of the room | ||||||
53104 | CALL 54222 | Load A with a random x-coordinate within current room | ||||||
53107 | ADD A,100 | Add 100 to restore coordinate system | ||||||
53109 | LD (IX+5),A | Set this as the worm's left x-coordinate | ||||||
53112 | ADD A,2 | Add two to this... | ||||||
53114 | LD (IX+7),A | ...and set as the worm's right x-coordinate | ||||||
53117 | LD A,2 | Load A with a random number, 1-2... | ||||||
53119 | CALL 54222 | ... | ||||||
53122 | INC A | ... | ||||||
53123 | LD (IX+1),A | ...and assign the worm this depth | ||||||
53126 | LD A,124 | Load A with 124 (y-coordinate of character row below bottom of room) | ||||||
53128 | SUB (IX+1) | Subtract worm's depth value to get its bottom y-coordinate... | ||||||
53131 | LD (IX+6),A | ...and assign | ||||||
53134 | PUSH AF | Store AF (A = bottom y-coordinate of worm) | ||||||
53135 | LD (IX+4),121 | Set worm's top y-coordinate to 121 | ||||||
53139 | CALL 54768 | Check entity at IX for collision with another entity at same depth whose interaction-(11,6) flag is set | ||||||
53142 | POP BC | Store AF (B = bottom y-coordinate of worm) | ||||||
53143 | JR NC,53154 | If a collision occurred then set worm's depth to zero and return | ||||||
53145 | LD (IX+4),B | Set worm's top y-coordinate to same as its bottom y-coordinate | ||||||
53148 | LD HL,52735 | Point HL at script data for worm rising from floor... | ||||||
53151 | JP 48098 | ...and execute | ||||||
53154 | LD (IX+1),0 | Set worm's depth to zero | ||||||
53158 | RET | Return |
Prev: 53057 | Up: Map | Next: 53159 |