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42266: Update state of flying skeleton creature (level 4)
Used by the routine at 41211.
42266 LD IX,45482 Load IX with address of complex state data for flying skeleton creature (level 4)
42270 CALL 54768 Check entity at IX for collision with another entity at same depth whose interaction-(11,6) flag is set...
42273 CP 31 ...and if collision was not with entity of class 31 (Berk)...
42275 JR NZ,42285 ...then skip ahead to 42285
42277 LD A,(45401) If Berk's can-fall flag is reset...
42280 BIT 6,A ...
42282 CALL Z,53667 ...then set Berk-has-been-killed flag
42285 LD HL,45491 Load HL with address of flying skeleton creature's flags
42288 BIT 0,(HL) If creature's horizontal-direction flag is set (moving left)...
42290 JR NZ,42320 ...then skip ahead to 42320
Horizontal-direction flag reset (moving right)
42292 LD A,(IX+0) If creature's room is not 4 (yellow skull's room)...
42295 CP 4 ...
42297 JR NZ,42309 ...then skip ahead to 42309
42299 LD A,(IX+7) If x-coordinate of creature's right edge is less than 126...
42302 CP 126 ...
42304 JR C,42309 ...then skip ahead to 42309
42306 SET 0,(HL) Set creature's horizontal-direction flag (moving left)
42308 RET Return
42309 INC (IX+5) Move creature right one character...
42312 INC (IX+7) ...
42315 CALL 54313 ...and move into room to the right, if appropriate
42318 JR 42346 Skip ahead to 42346
Horizontal-direction flag set (moving left)
42320 LD A,(IX+0) If creature's room is not 1 (door room)...
42323 CP 1 ...
42325 JR NZ,42337 ...then skip ahead to 42337
42327 LD A,(IX+5) If x-coordinate of creature's left edge is at least 108...
42330 CP 108 ...
42332 JR NC,42337 ...then skip ahead to 42337
42334 RES 0,(HL) Reset creature's horizontal-direction flag (moving right)
42336 RET Return
42337 DEC (IX+5) Move creature left one character...
42340 DEC (IX+7) ...
42343 CALL 54348 ...and move into room to the left, if appropriate
42346 LD A,(IX+4) Load A with y-coordinate of creature's top edge
42349 BIT 1,(HL) If creature's vertical-direction flag is set (moving up)...
42351 JR NZ,42367 ...then skip ahead to 42367
Vertical-direction flag reset, moving down
42353 CP 108 If y-coordinate of creature's top edge is not 108...
42355 JR NZ,42360 ...then skip ahead to 42360
42357 SET 1,(HL) Set creature's vertical-direction flag (moving up)
42359 RET Return
This entry point is used by the routine at 41633.
42360 INC (IX+4) Move creature down one character...
42363 INC (IX+6) ...
42366 RET Return
Vertical-direction flag set, moving up
42367 CP 100 If y-coordinate of creature's top edge is not 100...
42369 JR NZ,42374 ...then skip ahead to 42374
42371 RES 1,(HL) Reset creature's vertical-direction flag (moving down)
42373 RET Return
This entry point is used by the routine at 41633.
42374 DEC (IX+4) Move creature up one character...
42377 DEC (IX+6) ...
42380 RET Return
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