Prev: 41318 Up: Map Next: 41381
41354: Reset skeleton to initial state
Used by the routine at 34751.
41354 LD HL,41232 Set current position in skeleton's script data...
41357 LD (41230),HL 41232 (skeleton idling)
41360 LD IX,41412 Load IX with address of table of addresses of attribute data in skeleton's GLD blocks
41364 LD B,6 Load B with 6 (as there are six blocks of graphic layout data to modify)
41366 LD L,(IX+0) Load HL with address of attribute data in current block...
41369 LD H,(IX+1) ...
41372 LD (HL),7 Set the attribute value to 7 (white)
41374 INC IX Advance IX to next address...
41376 INC IX ...
41378 DJNZ 41366 Decrease remaining number of blocks to modify and loop back to 41366 if not zero
41380 RET Return
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