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34751: Reset all game data in preparation for new game
Used by the routine at 34438.
34751 LD IY,34687 Point IY at start of table of start addresses of levels' state data for complex entities
34755 LD HL,59821 Point HL at start of table of initial-state data for complex entities
34758 LD B,4 Set B to 4 (as there are 4 levels)
34760 PUSH BC Store BC (B = remaining number of levels to process)
34761 LD E,(IY+0) Load start address of current level's complex state data into DE...
34764 LD D,(IY+1) ...
34767 INC IY Advance IY to next entry in list of addresses of complex state data...
34769 INC IY ...
34771 PUSH DE Transfer start address of current level's complex state data into IX...
34772 POP IX ...
34774 LD A,(IX+0) If first byte in current complex state data entry is 255 (end marker)...
34777 CP 255 ...
34779 JR Z,34803 ...then skip ahead to 34803
34781 LD A,(IX+10) If entity's can-be-reset flag is reset...
34784 AND 128 ...
34786 JR Z,34796 ...then advance IX by 13 bytes to next entry and loop back to 34774
34788 PUSH IX Transfer start address of current entry in complex state data into DE...
34790 POP DE ...
34791 LD BC,13 Load BC with 13 (as entries in complex state data are 13 bytes wide)
34794 LDIR Copy current entry in table of initial-state data for complex entities at 59821 into complex state data
34796 LD BC,13 Load BC with 13 (as entries in complex state data are 13 bytes wide)
34799 ADD IX,BC Advance IX to next entry in complex state data
34801 JR 34774 Loop back to 34774
34803 POP BC Restore BC (B = remaining number of levels to process)
34804 DJNZ 34760 Decrease B and loop back to 34760 to process next level
34806 LD HL,34298 Point HL at joystick-mode flag
34809 LD DE,34207 Point DE at store for current level number
34812 XOR A Set A to zero and reset carry flag
34813 SBC HL,DE Subtract DE from HL to leave HL = 91
34815 LD B,L Load B with 91
34816 LD HL,34207 Point HL at store for current level number...
34819 LD (HL),A ...and set 91 bytes from here onwards to zero...
34820 INC HL ...
34821 DJNZ 34819 ...
34823 LD A,16 Set time / lives to 16...
34825 LD (34210),A ...
34828 LD A,1 Set current level to level 1...
34830 LD (34207),A ...
34833 CALL 36778 Initialise script data positions for flying skeleton creature and bat (level 1)
34836 CALL 38468 Reset current positions in ape-beasts' script data to initial values
34839 CALL 41354 Reset skeleton to initial state
34842 CALL 51732 Reset Drutt to initial state
34845 LD A,1 Set room of "closed Trap Door" and impassable marker to 1 (i.e. starting room)...
34847 LD (43188),A ...
34850 LD (43450),A ...
34853 LD (34226),A Set attribute of current character to 1 (blue, Berk)
34856 DEC A Set room of "open Trap Door" and "Home Sweet Home" brickwork to 0...
34857 LD (43437),A ...i.e. remove from game...
34860 LD (43159),A ...
34863 RET Return
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