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63263: Advance bitmap virtual text cursor to start of next character row
Used by the routines at 41271, 48389 and 48518.
63263 LD HL,(63018) Load HL with address of bitmap virtual text cursor
63266 LD A,L Get LSB of video memory address in A
63267 ADD A,32 Add 32 (i.e. move down one character row)
63269 JP C,63277 If we have encountered the bottom of the current third of the display, then skip ahead to 63277
63272 AND 224 Decrease to nearest multiple of 32 (i.e. start of a character row)
63274 LD L,A Place modified address back into HL
63275 JR 63259 Store at 63018 and return
63277 AND 224 Decrease to nearest multiple of 32 (i.e. start of a character row)
63279 LD L,A Place modified address back into L
63280 LD A,H Load MSB of video memory address into A
63281 ADD A,8 Increase by 8 (as we're moving one text row, or EIGHT pixel rows down)
63283 LD H,A Place modified address back into HL
63284 JR 63259 Store at 63018 and return
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