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63247: Advance bitmap virtual text cursor right by one character
Used by the routines at 41271, 48389 and 63005.
63247 LD HL,(63018) Load HL with address of bitmap virtual text cursor...
63250 INC HL ...and increase (for next character)
63251 LD A,L Load LSB of HL into A...
63252 OR A ...and check whether it is zero
63253 JR NZ,63259 If it is not zero (i.e. advancing down a character row will not take us into a different third) then skip ahead to 63259
63255 LD A,H Add 7 to MSB of display file address as advancing by one at 63250 took display file pointer back up to 2nd pixel row of the current third of the display when in fact we need to move to top pixel row of the NEXT third of the display (i.e. 7 × 32 × 8 = 7 × 256 bytes on from this!)
63256 ADD A,7
63258 LD H,A
This entry point is used by the routines at 63203, 63263, 63349 and 63399.
63259 LD (63018),HL Store the updated address of bitmap virtual text cursor
63262 RET Return
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