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45227: Command-character-to-help routine for Aramis Le Peux
Used by the routine at 64623.
45227 LD A,34 Set zero flag if Aramis Le Peux is carrying the List of Clues, reset otherwise...
45229 LD HL,24863 ...
45232 CALL 45513 ...(see trivia)
45235 JP NZ,64285 If zero flag is reset then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
The operand of the instruction at 45238 represents the index of the Current Clue. This is modified by the instruction at 45243.
45238 LD A,0 Increase index of Current Clue...
45240 INC A ...
45241 AND 7 ...resetting to zero if greater than 7...
45243 LD (45239),A ...and store at 45239
45246 LD B,A Load B with index of Current Clue
45247 LD HL,55198 Point HL at start of list of clue texts
45250 CALL 63335 Advance HL to B-th entry in list of zero-terminated strings starting at HL
45253 JP 64301 Display Current Clue window (24) and return to game
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