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43874: Process command to cast a spell
Used by the routine at 64623.
43874 LD B,5 Print or update command summary window at top of screen...
43876 CALL 45206 ...with "CAST A SPELL" text
43879 LD HL,55513 Point HL at "WHICH SPELL DO YOU WANT TO [Current Command] ?" full menu text
43882 LD DE,49276 Adjust height of window 30 to accommodate text...
43885 CALL 45617 ...
43888 PUSH HL Store HL (pointer to menu text to print)
43889 LD A,30 Draw menu window 30...
43891 CALL 47185 ...
43894 POP HL Restore HL (pointer to menu text to print)
43895 CALL 46902 Print text to screen
43898 CALL 47502 Process keyboard / joystick input on a menu and load A with selected item index
43901 LD (43929),A Store index of spell selected in this routine at 43929
43904 CP 4 If selected spell is 4 (TRAVEL TO PERSON)...
43906 JR Z,43928 ...then skip ahead to 43928
43908 CALL 63399 Print or update command summary window at top of screen
43911 LD HL,55926 Point HL at "CAST DIMENSION MERGE" text (i.e. first in list of "CAST [SPELL]" strings)
43914 LD A,(43929) Load index of spell selected into B...
43917 LD B,A ...
43918 CALL 63335 ...and advance HL to relevant "CAST [SPELL]" string
43921 EX DE,HL Swap DE (now points to "CAST [SPELL]" text) and HL...
43922 CALL 63349 ...and print in command summary window at top of screen
43925 CALL 64207 Display execute / reject command window and return here if execute chosen, else exit to main game loop
The operand of the instruction at 43928 represents the index of the selected spell. This is modified by the instruction at 43901.
43928 LD A,0 Load A with index of selected spell
43930 LD HL,43936 Point HL at table of cast a spell routine addresses
43933 JP 64623 Load HL with address of appropriate cast a spell routine and jump to it
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