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43000: Insert numeric / text stats of an object into "examine object" window text
Used by the routine at 42638.
HL Address of start of an object's properties
43000 LD A,(HL) Load A with weight of the object...
43001 AND 15 ...stripping out flag values
43003 PUSH HL Store HL (address of start of object's properties)
43004 LD HL,52267 Point HL at numeric part of "WEIGHT" string...
43007 CALL 46837 ...and overwrite with weight value
43010 POP HL Restore HL (address of start of object's properties)
43011 LD A,147 Load A with (common word index for text "YES")
43013 BIT 6,(HL) If can-be-blown flag is set...
43015 JR NZ,43018 ...then skip ahead to 43018
43017 INC A Increase A to 148 (common word index for text "NO")
43018 LD (52279),A Insert common word index in A into the "BLOW" field of the string
43021 LD A,147 Load A with (common word index for text "YES")
43023 BIT 5,(HL) If can-be-read flag is set...
43025 JR NZ,43028 ...then skip ahead to 43028
43027 INC A Increase A to 148 (common word index for text "NO")
43028 LD (52288),A Insert common word index in A into the "READ" field of the string
43031 INC HL Advance HL to second byte in record
43032 LD A,147 Load A with (common word index for text "YES")
43034 BIT 3,(HL) If can-be-worn flag is set...
43036 JR NZ,43039 ...then skip ahead to 43039
43038 INC A Increase A to 148 (common word index for text "NO")
43039 LD (52297),A Insert common word index in A into the "WEAR" field of the string
43042 RET Return
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