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40598: Room-specific routine: Kill Magic Knight if he is too close to Bearwoolf
Used by the routine at 40190.
40598 LD A,(24840) If Magic Knight's current x-coordinate (pixels) is 128 or greater...
40601 CP 128 ...
40603 RET NC ...then return
The operand of the instruction at 40604 represents the Bearwoolf-removed flag. This is modified by the instructions at 38106 and 45290.
40604 LD A,0 Load A with Bearwoolf-removed flag...
40606 OR A ...and if this is set...
40607 RET NZ ...then return
40608 LD HL,57374 Point HL at "YOU STOOD FAR TOO CLOSE TO BEARWOOLF..." text
40611 JP 64582 Display cyan "game over" window and return to control selection menu
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