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33170: Command-character-to-help routine for Klink and S3 E3
Used by the routine at 55726.
33170 LD A,(29632) Load A with index of Current Character...
33173 LD (23434),A ...and store at 23434 (see trivia)
33176 LD A,3 If Magic Knight is wearing the Valid I.D. Card (03)...
33178 CALL 33640 ...
33181 JP Z,55252 ...then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
33184 LD A,(23451) If I.D.-card-validated flag is reset...
33187 BIT 4,A ...
33189 JP Z,33195 ...then skip ahead to 33195
33192 JP 55252 Display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
33195 LD E,8 If Current Character is not carrying the Camera (8)...
33197 CALL 33896 ...
33200 JP NZ,55252 ...then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
33203 LD E,4 If Current Character is not carrying the Instant Film (4)...
33205 CALL 33896 ...
33208 JP NZ,55252 ...then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
33211 LD A,(29632) Load BC with five times index of Current Character...
33214 LD C,A ...
33215 ADD A,A ...
33216 ADD A,A ...
33217 ADD A,C ...
33218 LD C,A ...
33219 LD B,0 ...
33221 LD IX,25174 Point IX at start of characters' current inventories table...
33225 ADD IX,BC ...and add BC as offset to point to start of Current Character's inventory
33227 LD A,(IX+4) If this character has no free inventory slots...
33230 OR A ...
33231 JP NZ,55252 ...then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
33234 LD (33282),IX Modify operand of the instruction at 33281 to address of start of Current Character's current inventory
33238 LD A,1 If Magic Knight is not wearing the Cloak of Invisibility (01)...
33240 CALL 33640 ...
33243 JR NZ,33259 ...then skip ahead to 33259
33245 LD A,(23451) If photograph-of-inside-of-starship-taken flag is set...
33248 BIT 1,A ...
33250 JP NZ,55252 ...then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
33253 LD B,2 Load B with 2 (as photograph-of-inside-of-starship-taken flag is in bit 1)
33255 LD A,9 Load A with 9 (index of Photograph of inside of starship)
33257 JR 33271 Skip ahead to 33271
33259 LD A,(23451) If photograph-of-Magic-Knight-taken flag is set...
33262 BIT 2,A ...
33264 JP NZ,55252 ...then display "[Character] CANNOT HELP YOU" window (29) and return to game
33267 LD B,4 Load B with 4 (as photograph-of-Magic-Knight-taken flag is in bit 2)
33269 LD A,5 Load A with 5 (index of Photograph of Magic Knight)
33271 LD C,A Load C with object index from A
33272 LD A,(23451) Load A with current score progress flags
33275 OR B Set flag(s) according to value in B...
33276 LD (23451),A ...
33279 LD B,5 Load B with 5 (five inventory slots)
The operand of the instruction at 33281 represents the address of the start of the current inventory of the Current Character. This is modified by the instruction at 33234.
33281 LD HL,0 Point HL at start of Current Character's current inventory as stored previously
33284 CALL 33516 Load object C into the first empty inventory slot of Current Character
33287 JP 55339 Display "[Character] HAS TAKEN YOUR PHOTO" window (10) and return to game
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