Prev: 27647 Up: Map Next: 27750
27703: Draw top in-game window
Used by the routines at 27762 and 31688.
27703 LD A,35 Check if Magic Knight is carrying the Mirror (35)...
27705 CALL 33645 ...
27708 LD HL,38298 Point HL at info window text (not carrying Mirror version)
27711 JR NZ,27716 If Magic Knight is not carrying the Mirror then skip ahead to 27716
27713 LD HL,38544 Point HL at info window text (carrying Mirror version)
27716 PUSH HL Store HL (pointer to text to print)
27717 LD A,1 Draw window 1...
27719 CALL 34990 ...
27722 LD HL,16554 Load HL with display file address corresponding to (10, 5) (characters)...
27725 LD (54110),HL ...and move bitmap virtual text cursor here
27728 LD HL,38357 Point HL at "KNIGHT-TYME" text...
27731 CALL 34762 ...and print to screen
27734 LD HL,16417 Load HL with display file address corresponding to (1, 1) (characters)...
27737 LD (54110),HL ...and move bitmap virtual text cursor here
27740 POP HL Store HL (pointer to text to print)
27741 CALL 34762 Print window text
27744 CALL 34567 Draw strength bar at top of screen
27747 JP 34627 Draw objects in Magic Knight's inventory if he is carrying the Mirror then return
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