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26670: Display input device selection menu
Used by the routine at 55685.
IY 23610
26670 EI Enable interrupts
26671 HALT Wait for interrupt
26672 LD SP,26240 Set stack pointer to 26240
26675 XOR A Reset all interrupt routine flags...
26676 LD (IY+65),A ...
26679 IM 2 Set interrupt mode 2
26681 CALL 26976 Set border to black and clear temporary storage area of memory
26684 CALL 26884 Draw input device selection menu and update currently selected input device
26687 CALL 35296 Process keyboard / joystick input on a menu and load A with selected item index
26690 CP 4 If "CHANGE GAME OPTIONS" selected...
26692 JP Z,26739 ...then skip ahead to 26739
26695 CP 5 If "INSTRUCTIONS" selected...
26697 JR Z,26734 ...then skip ahead to 26734
26699 CP 6 If "PLAY GAME" selected...
26701 JP Z,26997 ...then jump to 26997 (initialise data and start a new game)
26704 PUSH AF Store AF (A = index of selected menu item)
26705 LD A,(54560) Load A with index of currently selected input device (see trivia)
26708 PUSH AF Store AF (A = index of currently selected input device)
26709 LD C,A Load C with index of currently selected input device
26710 LD A,(37139) Load A with y-coordinate of top edge of window 6 (control selection window)
26713 ADD A,C Add index of currently selected input device...
26714 ADD A,2 ...and add two more to get y-coordinate of menu item for currently selected input device
26716 LD B,A Load value into B
26717 LD C,3 Load C with 3
26719 CALL 54148 Load HL with attribute file address for coordinates (C, B)
26722 LD (HL),71 Set attribute at this location to 71 (white INK, black PAPER, BRIGHT) (see trivia)
26724 POP DE Restore DE (D = index of currently selected input device, previously in AF)
26725 POP AF Store AF (A = index of selected menu item)
26726 LD (54560),A Set new selected input device index at 54560
26729 CALL 54505 Update currently selected input device...
26732 JR 26687 ...and loop back to 26687
26734 CALL 26926 Display instructions windows
26737 JR 26684 Jump back to 26684 to capture next menu selection
26739 CALL 26745 Display and handle Gadget X menu
26742 JP 26684 Jump back to 26684 to capture next menu selection
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