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63000: Load loading screen and main game code
The following instructions set the DF SZ system variable to zero. This prevents a press of the break key returning us to BASIC while the game is loading.
63000 XOR A Set DF SZ system variable to zero
63001 LD (23659),A
63004 LD DE,6912 Load loading screen to 40000 and copy into display file
63007 LD IX,40000
63011 LD A,255
63013 SCF
63014 CALL 1366
63017 LD HL,40000
63020 LD DE,16384
63023 LD BC,6912
63026 LDIR
63028 LD DE,32860 Load 32860 bytes to 27000
63031 LD IX,27000
63035 LD A,255
63037 SCF
63038 CALL 1366
63041 JP 34200 Jump to start-up code
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