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23755: BASIC loader
The BASIC loader is set to auto-run from line 1, and does the following:
  • sets the RAMTOP system variable to 26998
  • sets the BORDCR system variable to 9
  • loads the loader code (50 bytes to address 63000)
  • calls the loader code
23755 DEFB 0,1,22,0,234,0,84,116
   1 REM {0x00}TtTRAPDOOR{UDG-K}{0x00}{0x01}{0x00}{UDG-K}{0x00}***
  10 PAPER 1: INK 1:: BORDER 1: CLEAR 26998: POKE 23624,9
  20 LOAD ""CODE 63000: RANDOMIZE USR 63000
23763 DEFB 84,82,65,80,68,79,79,82
23771 DEFB 154,0,1,0,154,0,42,42
23779 DEFB 42,13,0,10,62,0,218,49
23787 DEFB 14,0,0,1,0,0,58,217
23795 DEFB 49,14,0,0,1,0,0,58
23803 DEFB 58,231,49,14,0,0,1,0
23811 DEFB 0,58,253,50,54,57,57,56
23819 DEFB 14,0,0,118,105,0,58,244
23827 DEFB 50,51,54,50,52,14,0,0
23835 DEFB 72,92,0,44,57,14,0,0
23843 DEFB 9,0,0,13,0,20,30,0
23851 DEFB 239,34,34,175,54,51,48,48
23859 DEFB 48,14,0,0,24,246,0,58
23867 DEFB 249,192,54,51,48,48,48,14
23875 DEFB 0,0,24,246,0,13,0,200
23883 DEFB 24,0,239,34,34,175,58,239
23891 DEFB 34,34,170,58,249,192,51,52
23899 DEFB 50,48,48,14,0,0,152,133
23907 DEFB 0,13
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