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55196: Handle vertical component of character's jump, and load E with jump state index as appropriate
This routine handles the vertical component of Berk's or Drutt's jumping, checking for collisions (e.g. Berk or Drutt hitting an obstruction above, or Drutt knocking down an entity such as a key). The routine also checks the cached control input value at 55022 to determine the outcome of the next "bounce" if the jumper is on the floor (for example, start a leftward jump if left was pressed).
Used by the routine at 55041.
IX Address of complex state data (current level) for Berk or Drutt
E Jump state index (see table in description of routine at 55041)
55196 LD A,(IX+12) Load A with current velocity of jumper's jump...
55199 AND 15 ...
55201 BIT 6,(IX+12) If downward-jump-phase flag is set...
55205 JR NZ,55281 ...then skip ahead to 55281
Downward jump phase flag is reset, i.e. in upward phase of jump
55207 OR A If current velocity of jumper's jump is at least one...
55208 JR NZ,55234 ...then skip ahead to 55234
Current velocity of jumper's jump is zero
55210 LD A,(55022) Load A with cached control input...
55213 BIT 3,A ...and if back bit is reset...
55215 JR Z,55223 ...then skip ahead to 55223
55217 DEC (IX+4) Move jumper up one character...
55220 DEC (IX+6) ...
55223 SET 6,(IX+12) Set downward-jump-phase flag
55227 CALL 55421 Increase current velocity of jumper's jump if less than 7
55230 LD A,1 Prepare to set velocity of jumper's jump to one, downwards
55232 JR 55284 Skip ahead to 55284 (handle downward phase of jump)
Current velocity of jumper's jump is at least 1
55234 LD B,A Load B with current velocity of jumper's jump
55235 DEC (IX+4) Move jumper up one character...
55238 DEC (IX+6) ...
55241 CALL 54768 Check entity at IX for collision with another entity at same depth whose interaction-(11,6) flag is set...
55244 JR C,55258 ...and if no collision occurred, then skip ahead to 55258
55246 CP 130 If collision was not with entity of class 130 (causes Berk and Drutt to bounce off or bang head)...
55248 JR NZ,55258 ...then skip ahead to 55258
Jumper has banged his head
55250 LD A,6 Set pending sound index to 6 (banging head) if it is currently zero, or lower priority...
55252 CALL 59613 ...
55255 LD E,6 Load E with 6 (jumper has banged his head on something above him)
55257 RET Return
No collision, or collision with entity other than that of class 130
55258 CP 22 If collision was with an entity of class of 22 or greater (can't be picked up, or 255 for no collision)...
55260 JR NC,55270 ...then skip ahead to 55270
Drutt has knocked down an entity, e.g. red sweet on level 1
55262 LD (IY+12),2 Set initial velocity factor of entity jumper collided with to 2...
55266 SET 6,(IY+10) ...and set its can-fall flag
55270 CALL 55433 Change jumper's room up one if appropriate
55273 DJNZ 55235 Decrease B (remaining number of characters to move up) and loop back to 55235 if not zero
55275 DEC (IX+12) Decrease current velocity of jumper's jump, slowing ascent
55278 LD E,0 Load E with zero (jumper jumping upwards, no collision)
55280 RET Return
Downward jump phase flag is set, i.e. in downward phase of jump
55281 CALL 55421 Increase current velocity of jumper's jump if less than 7, speeding descent, and load into A
55284 LD B,A Load B with velocity of jumper's jump
55285 INC (IX+4) Move jumper down one character...
55288 INC (IX+6) ...
55291 CALL 54768 Check jumper for collision with another entity at same depth whose interaction-(11,6) flag is set...
55294 JR C,55300 ...and if no collision occurred, then skip ahead to 55300
55296 CP 35 If collision was with an entity of class 35 (platform, level 1 or level 3)...
55298 JR Z,55363 ...then skip ahead to 55363
No collision, or collision with entity other than that of class 35
55300 LD A,(IX+6) Load A with y-coordinate of jumper's bottom edge...
55303 ADD A,(IX+1) ...and add jumper's depth
55306 CP 122 If A is 122 (i.e. jumper is at bottom of screen)...
55308 JR Z,55320 ...then skip ahead to 55320
55310 DJNZ 55285 Decrease B (remaining number of characters to move down) and loop back to 55285 if not zero
55312 PUSH HL Store HL
55313 CALL 55616 Change jumper's room down one if appropriate
55316 POP HL Restore HL
55317 LD E,0 Load E with zero (jumper jumping downwards, no collision)
55319 RET Return
Jumper is at the bottom of the screen
55320 CALL 54768 Check jumper for collision with another entity at same depth whose interaction-(11,6) flag is set...
55323 JR C,55363 ...and if no collision occurred, then skip ahead to 55363
55325 CP 129 If collision was with entity of class 129 (causes other entities to start falling)...
55327 JR Z,55334 ...then skip ahead to 55334
Collision was not with entity of class 129, so need to resume collision check from current position in entities list, i.e. entity that jumper did collide with
55329 CALL 54871 Resume checking jumper for collision with another entity at same depth whose interaction-(11,6) flag is set
55332 JR 55323 ...and jump back to 55323
Collision with entity of class 129
55334 LD A,(IX+8) If jumper is not Berk...
55337 CP 31 ...(class = 31).....
55339 JR NZ,55285 ...then jump back to 55285 (continue moving downwards)
55341 LD A,(IX+5) If Berk's left edge...
55344 CP (IY+5) at or to the right of the colliding entity's left edge...
55347 JR NC,55352 ...then skip ahead to 55352
Berk's left edge is to the left of colliding entity's left edge
55349 LD E,7 Load E with 7 (jumper is Berk, his left edge is to the left of colliding, class=129, entity's left edge)
55351 RET Return
Berk's left edge is at, or to the right of, colliding entity's left edge
55352 LD A,(IY+7) If Berk's right edge...
55355 CP (IX+7) at or to the right of the colliding entity's right edge...
55358 JR NC,55285 ...then jump back to 55285 (continue moving downwards)
Berk's right edge is to the left of colliding entity's right edge
55360 LD E,8 Load E with 8 (jumper is Berk, and he is between left and right edges of colliding, class=129, entity)
55362 RET Return
Downward phase, and collision with entity of class 35 (platform, level 1 or level 3) or no collision at bottom of screen
55363 RES 6,(IX+12) Reset downward-jump-phase flag (i.e. prepare to jump up again)
55367 LD A,(55022) Load A with cached control input...
55370 BIT 3,A ...and if back bit is reset...
55372 JR Z,55377 ...then skip ahead to 55377
55374 LD E,1 Load E with 1 (jumper landed on floor / platform and back control input bit set)
55376 RET Return
Back bit is reset
55377 LD A,(IX+12) If current velocity of jumper's jump is at least 4...
55380 AND 15 ...
55382 CP 4 ...
55384 JR NC,55393 ...then skip ahead to 55393
55386 LD (IX+12),0 Reset jumper's is-jumping flag and set current velocity of jump to zero
55390 LD E,3 Load E with 3 (jumper's jump velocity less than 4, and back not pressed, i.e. terminate jumping)
55392 RET Return
Current velocity of jumper's jump is at least 4, and back bit is reset
55393 LD A,(55022) Load A with cached control input...
55396 BIT 1,A ...and if left bit is reset...
55398 JR Z,55404 ...then skip ahead to 55404
Left bit is set
55400 LD E,4 Load E with 4 (jumper's jump velocity at least 4 and left control input bit set)
55402 JR 55410 Decrease current velocity of jumper's jump by two and return
Left bit is reset
55404 BIT 0,A If right bit is reset...
55406 JR Z,55417 ...then skip ahead to 55417
Right bit is set
55408 LD E,5 Load E with 5 (jumper's jump velocity at least 4 and right control input bit set)
55410 DEC (IX+12) Decrease current velocity of jumper's jump by two...
55413 DEC (IX+12) ...
55416 RET Return
Right bit (and left and back bits) reset
55417 LD E,0 Load E with zero (current velocity of jumper's jump is at least 4 and back, left and right control input bits are reset)
55419 JR 55410 Decrease current velocity of jumper's jump by two and return
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