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54283: Move entity at IX into new room (left or right) if it is at the edge of its current room
Used by the routines at 35735 and 55041.
IX Address of complex state data for an entity
54283 LD A,(34235) Load A with width of current room (chars) + 97...
54286 DEC A ...
54287 DEC A ...
54288 CP (IX+5) If x-coordinate of left side (+100) of entity is greater than this...
54291 JR C,54306 ...then skip ahead to 54306
54293 LD A,(IX+7) If x-coordinate of right side (+100) of entity is not less than 102...
54296 CP 102 ...
54298 RET NC ...then return
54299 CALL 54539 Load B with index of room to left of entity's current room
54302 CALL 54419 Move entity at IX into room to left of its current room and update position of carried entity if moving entity is Berk
54305 RET Return
54306 CALL 54505 Load B with index of room to right of current character's current room
54309 CALL 54383 Move entity at IX into room to right of its current room and update position of carried entity if moving entity is Berk
54312 RET Return
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