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52243: Script routine: (50) Advance Drutt's jump and select next phase if current phase complete
The call at 52243 will be returned from if Drutt's is-jumping flag is reset. Otherwise, E will be loaded with Drutt's jump state index (see table).
Used by the routine at 48096.
HL New address in script data
52243 CALL 55023 Handle Drutt's jump, and load A with jump state index as appropriate
52246 LD A,E If jump state index is zero...
52247 OR A ...
52248 JP Z,48096 ...then jump to 48096 (advance HL to next script instruction and execute)
52251 CP 1 If jump state index is 1...
52253 JR Z,52259 ...then skip ahead to 52259
52255 CP 2 If jump state index is not 2...
52257 JR NZ,52265 ...then skip ahead to 52265
Jump state index is 1 (landed on floor / platform and back (control input) bit set) or 2 (unused)
52259 LD HL,51674 Point HL at script data for Drutt starting to jump straight up...
52262 JP 48098 ...and execute
Jump state index is not 2
52265 CP 3 If jump state index is not 3...
52267 JR NZ,52275 ...then skip ahead to 52275
Jump state index is 3 (Drutt's jump velocity less than 4, and back not pressed, i.e. terminate jumping)
52269 LD HL,51524 Point HL at script data for Drutt facing out of screen...
52272 JP 48098 ...and execute
Jump state index is not 3
52275 CP 4 If jump state index is not 4...
52277 JR NZ,52285 ...then skip ahead to 52285
Jump state index is 4 (bounced off an obstruction to the right or left (control input) bit set)
52279 LD HL,51686 Point HL at script data for Drutt jumping left...
52282 JP 48098 ...and execute
Jump state index is not 4
52285 CP 5 If jump state index is not 5...
52287 JR NZ,52295 ...then skip ahead to 52295
Jump state index is 5 (bounced off an obstruction to the left or right (control input) bit set)
52289 LD HL,51696 Point HL at script data for Drutt jumping right...
52292 JP 48098 ...and execute
Jump state index is not 5
52295 CP 6 If jump state index is not 6...
52297 JP NZ,48096 ...then jump to 48096 (advance HL to next script instruction and execute)
Jump state index is 6 (Drutt has banged his head on something above him)
52300 CALL 55516 Set Drutt's can-fall flag and set initial velocity factor of 2
52303 LD HL,51520 Point HL at script data for Drutt facing out of screen (falling)...
52306 JP 48098 ...and execute
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