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47772: Convert a digit of numeric data to its string equivalent
Used by the routine at 47741.
DE Current power of ten
HL A number to convert to string
IY A location in memory to store a current digit converted to a string
47772 LD (IY+0),47 Set character in string to "/" (character immediately before "0")
47776 AND A Reset carry flag
47777 INC (IY+0) Advance character at current string position to next numeric character up
47780 SBC HL,DE Subtract current power of ten from number to convert
47782 JR NC,47777 If number to convert has not dropped below 0 (i.e. we have not yet subtracted too many of the current power of ten) then loop back to 47777
47784 ADD HL,DE We have subtracted one too many of the current power of ten, so add it back to make the remainder positive
47785 INC IY Advance to next character in the string as we are finished dealing with the current power of ten
47787 RET Return
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