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47084: Print keyboard controls on main menu
Used by the routines at 46830 and 46968.
A Attribute for printing text
47084 LD (34269),A Set attribute for printing text
47087 LD IX,46696 Point IX at entry for " RIGHT " text in table of attribute file addresses at which to print
47091 LD IY,46683 Point IY at table of current keyboard controls
47095 LD B,7 Load B with 7, as there are 7 keyboard controls (loop counter)
47097 PUSH BC Store BC (B = number of remaining control keys)
47098 LD L,(IX+0) Load HL with attribute file address at which to print character...
47101 LD H,(IX+1) ...
47104 LD E,(IY+0) Load E with character to print (current keyboard control)
47107 CALL 47682 Print double-height text character in E
47110 INC IY Advance IY to next keyboard control
47112 INC IX Advance IX to next entry in list of attribute file addresses...
47114 INC IX ...
47116 POP BC Restore BC (B = number of remaining control keys)
47117 DJNZ 47097 Loop back to 47097 for next keyboard control
47119 RET Return
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